
Verified Account

Create your Verified Account today and gain access to our cutting-edge services.

Verified Account: Simple. Modern. Secure.

Now that you have exceeded the limit of $1,000 in deposits, you need to upgrade your Standard Account to a Verified Account and have unlimited access to all our features. Every step made to keep your actions private and protected. Create your Verified Account today and gain access to our cutting-edge services. Plus, earn DGTAs instantly!

How it works? 📋 Updated personal info: important to ensure that we follow rules and legislation around the world. 📎 Identification document: upload your current official document such as a passport or ID, in good condition. 📸 Face match: a selfie before sensitive actions, that we'll use to make sure you are yourself!

Only with this type of account you can use all the features of the app.
